My study project within the udemy course "The Ultimate Guide to Usability and UX"

Kidstore Mobile Application

My task was to develop an app for purchasing children’s goods from scratch. This is a task for a non-existent company. So I also came up with a name and corporate identity.

Process description
Research and Interviews
I decided to focus on a narrow segment: products only for toddlers and children under three years old. The research part consisted of studying competitors, social groups, and interviews with potential clients.
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Working out the most important personas, their goals and needs, their desires and fears
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Flow chart and prototypes
This is the first stage before design production. It was necessary to understand the basic usage scenarios of the application.
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Usability Testing
Testing the prototype revealed serious problems at an early stage.
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Final pages rendering and preparation for layout
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What’s the point?

  • Social group analysis, web analytics and various market research allowed us to identify the main user groups for interviews.
  • 7 people took part in the interview.
  • The interview helped me answer questions about the motivation and needs, the circumstances of the purchase, and the problems that users most often encounter when purchasing.

    Competitive research

    What's the point?
    Based on the data obtained, we were able to more accurately assess competitors' sites and applications: how they present information, what they offer and what problems they solve.

    User Persona
    Olga Orlova
    35 years old, a marketer
    Needs & Goals
    • Buys only quality items
    • Follows fashion trends
    • Wants her little daughter to dress fashionable

    • Quick and easy search
    • Detailed product descriptions
    • Quality photos
    • Frequent assortment updates
    • Opportunity to save mone
    Flow chart
    The diagram was designed to understand the main user flows, and also to understand the number of main screens.
    Wireframes and prototypes
    The prototype allows us to assess the complexity of interactions and their feasibility. It also allows us to test the functionality of a new interface before starting development.
    Usability testing
    The prototype was tested by 5 girls and women.

    Several serious shortcomings of the app were identified. Several minor errors were also noted.

    The fixes were reflected in the final design of the app.
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