My study project within the O'Reilly course "Beginning UX Design"

Timber houses for sale

Briefly about the company

Small construction company. Construction is being carried out throughout Russia. Both their own projects and individual projects of clients are taken into work.

What is the problem?

The company’s current website was developed over 10 years ago. The design does not correspond to the modern philosophy of the company. Too heavy site structure prevents clients from understanding the company’s advantages and ordering a project. As a result, low website conversion.

The main task

To develop a convenient and attractive website that is able to convey information about the company’s advantages and basic services in the most accessible form.

Process description
Research and Interviews
Web analytics, interviews with stakeholders, analysis of social media groups visitors, interviews with the most prominent representatives of clients, surveys
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Working out the most important personas, their goals and needs, their desires and fears
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User Journey Map
Search for the strengths and weaknesses of the entire business funnel. Prioritizing a large number of future tasks
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Prototypes and User Flows
Building an information system, drawing user flows, developing clickable prototypes
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Usability Testing
Testing prototypes to identify problems at the design stage
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Final pages rendering and preparation for layout
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Research is an important step
Does the company's offer meet customer needs? What are the most important metrics? What to fix first in order to get the maximum effect soon?

Key Performance Indicators

What's the point?
Website improvement cannot be separate from business goals. Therefore, before starting the study, we must answer several questions.

Guiding Questions:
  • What scenarios should the client execute on the site?
  • What is the final purpose of visiting the site?
  • What should be the conversion of the site?
  • Who visits the site and what are the goals of the visitors?
  • How much money can an application from a website potentially bring?
  • How can the site be useful for real customers?

Heuristic Evaluation

What's the point?

A heuristic-based method of checking the usability of an application, site, program, or whatever, that helps to identify usability issues. This is the easiest and cheapest method of iterative development, which at the first stage allows you to identify a number of problems without testing the user.


What's the point?
Stakeholder interviews, social group analysis and web analytics allowed us to identify the main user groups for interviews.

Key points:
  • This method helped us to identify the main hypotheses and problems.
  • In the interview, there were about 20 questions that dealt with the problems of building a house from scratch, choosing a contractor and the main goals when visiting the site.
  • 9 people took part in the interview. Three people for each representative of a particular group.
  • During the interview, insights and important questions were revealed that would never have occurred to stakeholders when designing a website. What seemed important to the company was completely indifferent to the client.
  • The hypotheses obtained after the interviews were used in the design of user stories, surveys and prototypes.

Competitive research

What's the point?
Based on the data obtained, we were able to more accurately assess competitors' sites: how they present information, what they offer and what problems they solve. A long list of features was compiled that were included in prototypes and further testing.


What's the point?
A quantitative study in the form of an online survey made it possible to evaluate the obtained hypotheses in terms of significance.

Briefly about the research:
  • Google tool used.
  • 556 people took part in the survey.
  • We were able to highlight major and minor issues, needs of different customer groups.
  • We were able to obtain information for composing personas.
User Persona
Andrey Sutormin
49 years old, a trucker
About person
Lives in the suburbs, works as a truck driver, often on the road. Average income 80,000 rubles / month, married, has two children and two grandchildren.

Interests and goals
Hobbies: hunting, fishing, recreation with friends in nature. He dreams of his own country house with a bathhouse, where children and grandchildren will come. Has a small budget. He took a cash loan for the house. He began to build it himself, made the foundation and the first floor, but realized that it was difficult and time-consuming.

In general, he understood the mechanics of the process. But he wants to find a competent contractor with extensive work experience who does not need to be monitored 24 hours a day.
User journey map, Site map, User flow
At this stage, I was able to find bottlenecks that lowered the site's performance. Next, I proposed a more efficient structure for presenting information, drew an interactive prototype that was tested and refined.
Usability testing
What's the point?
Testing prototypes and interactions allowed us to identify major usability problems before drawing the layouts.

Briefly about the research:
  • 7 people took part in testing.
  • More than 20 minor and about 10 major problems were identified.
  • The flaws were fixed in the prototype and sent for further rendering.
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